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FFA Trap Team

Please contact Ms. Moe ( or Dr. Strock ( for more information about Red Rock Central's FFA Trap Team. 

To be eligible for the FFA Trap Team, students must be enrolled in an agricultural class at RRC. Students must also abide by the gun safey laws and regulations in place at RRC, more information may be found in the student handbook. Students are also required to wear proper eye and ear protection while practicing or competing in competitions. 

Practices are held at the Springfield Sportsman Club. There is a fee attached to practice out there. 

FFA Trap Team

In 2019-20, we had enough participants for 3 teams! We had placed 25th, 45th, and 66th out of 78 teams. We also had Jaden B. shoot a perfect score, 25/25! This is the first time we had an athlete reach this accomplishment. Overall Jaden B. placed 11th and Jackson S. placed 40th out of 336 athletes competing. We are all very proud of our athletes!